The Workshop on Emerging Narratives

At the Forge du Vallon, we are aware of the place and responsibility held by fiction creators in the area of societal transition. Workshops, meetings, residences and creations feed a continuous reflection between the various actors of this sector in order to develop new processes and guarantee their impact.
To create a new world, it is essential to start by imagining it. This is where entertainment and audiovisual professionals have their role to play. Which stories, which heroes and heroines do we need to design a desirable future? 
What nourishment do we want to give to the collective imagination? How can we make good use of the considerable power that fiction exercises over minds, hearts and consciences? 
Albert Einstein said: "We cannot solve a problem with the same way of thinking that generated it" 
What would it take for our own ways of thinking to evolve and that we, the artists of storytelling, can reclaim our sacred role as guides to collective storytelling? What means of production and dissemination would allow this approach to have a real impact? Let's pool our intelligence to find our way off the beaten track!
La Forge du Lac intends to respond, through the Atelier des Récits Emergents, to the transition needs specific to the audiovisual sector: 
- by hosting a continuous dialogue between the various actors and stakeholders in the production-distribution chain of works audiovisual 
- by embodying the state of mind in which this dialogue can bear its best fruit: in visionary thinking, responsible action, respectful listening, the presence of rich and whole human beings 
- by providing a attractive and inspiring meeting place for all stakeholders and at all stages of the transition.
- by allowing perspective, through a dialogue that is freed from the constraints of  hierarchy, so that collective intelligence can emerge through the experience and the inspiration of whole beings, and not only of the professional roles that these people embody. 
- by promoting understanding of the issues through a circular discussion between all the stakeholders, free from the inherent limits of downward communication. 
- by inviting enthusiasm, emulation, affinities, humor, empathy, constructive disagreement, and all the other essential ingredients for abundant, impactful and lasting creativity.
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