...and what are the benefits for you?
Investing in the Forge du Vallon means becoming a partner in our cooperative by subscribing to shares.
Clearly, it's a piece of the project that belongs to you, and that you can resell whenever you want to get your money back.
In the meantime, your savings are working with us! It allows us to develop our infrastructure, increase the value of our property and above all better welcome our visitors... more and more!
Far from the capitalist and impersonal objectives of banks, an investment like this allows you to personally know the people you support with your savings, to follow our progress and to see concretely the works and creations that your money has made possible. You put your money precisely where your values, your hope and your beliefs are. We thank you!
Thanks to ESUS approval, La Forge du Vallon is able to offer its partners a tax reduction of 25% of the amount of their investment. Clearly, this means that if you invest €10,000 in the Forge du Vallon, committing to maintaining this investment for 7 years, you will pay €2,500 less in taxes this year. If you pay less than this amount each year, the amount will be smoothed over future years.
SCIC SAS La Forge du Vallon owns a property purchased for €260,000 in 2020. Since then, property prices in the region have continued to climb, and our renovation efforts have also increased. the value of the place. Our objective to date is to accommodate a maximum of €150,000 in investments, a sum well below the value of the property that serves as collateral. The investments thus collected will be allocated to the renovation and enhancement of the premises, to repay the various debts related to our installation, and to supply a reserve fund allowing rapid redemptions in the event of the departure of an investor.
An investment in the Forge du Vallon is not a gift, it is an investment that allows you to recover your money when you want it. Our statutes provide for a maximum period of 18 months between the request for reimbursement and its completion, but our wish is to proceed with reimbursements as soon as possible by relying on our reserve fund and our constant search for new investments.
Becoming a partner of the Forge du Vallon also means participating in the annual general meeting and voting on the main orientations of the budget and development. If the fact of being an associate does not, in itself, give the possibility of intervening in the daily choices, we are very happy to include the associates who so wish among our volunteers, and to enrich ourselves with all the wealth of their skills and their points of view.
One day it will be... a Forge du Vallon which brings together dozens, even hundreds of associates. All these people will have invested small sums, almost negligible for them. Thus, this magical place will become the property of everyone, the commons, managed with love by the inhabitants and the volunteers so that everyone can enjoy it.
Waiting for that day, and to help us take flight,
all your investments, big and small, are welcome!