Our prices:

Free and Conscientious Participation (PLC)

At La Forge du Vallon, we practice Free and Conscious Participation.

At the end of your activity or your stay, you will be able to choose your financial contribution, according to your means, your appreciation, and your desire to participate in the sustainability and expansion of the project.

Our goal is to deal with the discomfort caused by financial issues and thereby change our collective relationship to money and value. As our hens would say: "when it itches, it's growing"

How much do I have to pay?

At La Forge du Vallon, two principles guide our management:

1) Inclusion. We wish to welcome all people who wish to benefit from our project, without practicing exclusion on financial criteria.

2) Budget responsibility. We recognize that to continue, our project must balance its accounts, and for that we must have cash contributions.

In order to reconcile these two values, we have chosen to set up a system of Free and Conscious Participation.

Yes but… how much do I have to pay?

Firstly :

We offer you to contribute to the needs of the place according to your possibilities, and we invite you to receive this proposal with a light mind, knowing that it is our considered and balanced choice to welcome you with open arms, whatever your resources. material.

On the other hand :

We place the financial balance of this place in the field of collective responsibility. If we all love it, it is up to all of us to give it the means to live and develop.

Concretely, we invite you to contribute as much as you can while respecting your personal savings… and according to your desire to see this project continue and flourish.

Yes but… how much do I have to pay?

" The most possible ? »

" The least possible ? »

"What am I paying for an equivalent service elsewhere?"

“A proportion of my leisure budget?”

“The same amount I would spend staying at home?”

“What does it cost La Forge du Vallon to receive me, plus a percentage in solidarity with the wonderful people I meet here, who do not necessarily have the financial means to cover their costs? »

To help you make this often uncomfortable decision – but so helpful in creating a healthier relationship over money – here are some thoughts:

  • Benchmarks on the economy of the place:

    To receive a person in full board (night 2 meals), it costs us about 40€. This figure is to be interpreted as an average, and not a minimum or a reference rate. Of course, if everyone aligns with it, we won't be able to find the balance without excluding some of our wonderful visitors.

  • Benchmarks on the contributions of others:

    Since our opening on August 14, 2020, the smallest contribution has been €0 per night, and the largest contribution has been €100 per night. Do you want to break this generosity record? Free to you!

  • Suggestions for choosing your contribution tranche:

    To assist you in your reflection, and purely as a suggestion, here are some typical situations and the contributions that could correspond to them. Of course, your situation is unique and we do not pretend to know it...

  • I feel guilty for not giving enough...

    Many of us have integrated the idea that we are not enough, that we must always do, be and give more to have the right to exist. At the Forge du Vallon, we invite you to put down these fears, relax and give a reasoned and fair place to financial exchanges... among all the other possible exchanges between living beings. We look forward to your visit, which enriches us. Perhaps this is an opportunity for you to experience receiving generosity rather than always lavishing it?

  • I find it hard to give.

    Many of us have integrated the fear of missing out. We have learned that we have a responsibility to use our material possessions wisely and not waste them. If we are generous today, we fear to regret it tomorrow, when we may be lacking. At La Forge du Vallon, we take the risk of believing in reciprocity. One hand gives, the other receives. The more I open one hand, the more I open the other. This is how I create during my stay and in my life the possibility of enriching myself in many ways, and above all of letting go of a fear that limits my ability to take advantage of the money I have. This is how I taste the pleasure of contributing generously to people and projects that are of value to me. The real security is in our networks, in the fluidity of our exchanges. What if I took advantage of this experience to see what happens if I let my generosity overcome my fears?

  • What if I participate other than by money?

    At La Forge du Vallon, we choose freedom. Each person evolving on our site is free to choose their activities and their commitments, without financial criteria.

  • What if I am a family member or very close friend?

    For nothing in the world would we want to deprive our loved ones of this wonderful opportunity that is PLC!

Now the choice is in your hands.

We will not ask you for any justification or proof.

We trust you.


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